Repair cafes are community events which match people with broken household and electronic items, bikes and often clothing with skilled people who like fixing things. The purpose of the events is to bring about a shift away from consumerism and viewing household items as disposable. The focus is on skill-sharing and building community, as attendees will be invited to learn how to fix their broken item alongside the repairers instead of throwing them in the bin.

Find a Repair Cafe
There are nearly 20 regular repair cafe's around Oxfordshire with at least one in every district. Some run weekly, some monthly and others on a more ad hoc basis but you shouldn't have to travel far to find your local one.
Updated listings are on the Repair Cafe Oxfordshire website or see the google calendar here.
Click the button below to find a list of repair cafe's and also follow the Facebook page for regular updates.
What happens at a Repair Cafe?
Oxfordshire Recycles visited Wolvercote Repair Cafe to find out more. Watch the video here:
Set up a Repair Cafe
If you’re based in Oxfordshire, the CAG Oxfordshire team can provide you with guidance and resources to help you set up a repair project in your community. Community groups who become members of the CAG Oxfordshire Network are eligible for additional support. More information here.