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Climate Engagement Route Map: The Results

Phoebe Rison & Sam Randle from Oxfordshire County Council recently presented the findings of the participatory phase of their Climate Engagement Route Map Development report. It outlines the process undertaken to develop a comprehensive climate engagement route map for the county.

See below where you can read the report, see the slidehow and watch the video of their findings...

The methodology for developing the climate engagement route map has three phases consisting of

Phase 1: Desk research, literature review and cross service conversations;

Phase 2: Participatory phase including Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey, research into minority groups in climate action and bilateral meetings and events;

Phase 3: Analyse the data and draft the route map and take it through the sign off process.

This report demonstates the findings from phases 1 and 2. Phase 3 is now being drafted.

Overall, this report shows a highly knowledgeable county which is conscious of the climate crisis and is motivated to take action on climate with much needed information, support, coordination and funding.

Survey Data

The survey was open for public responses from the 17th July 2024 to the 31st September 2024. It was promoted organically via email to external voluntary databases, the CAG network, community groups, town and parish councils, associations, libraries, museum, arts and leisure organisations, sports clubs, small businesses, youth clubs and youth organisations, BAME focused groups and religious institutions as well as schools, colleges and the two universities in Oxford, and council staff. The survey received 1082 responses, which is considered a good response with a higher than average number of returns.

The survey data revealed that respondents generally have a high level of knowledge and understanding of climate change, with 98.5% reporting they understand what climate change is and 94% knowing what net zero means. However, fewer respondents felt that climate change was impacting the UK (81%) and even fewer believed there was a climate crisis in Oxfordshire (74%).

Top Motivations

85% of people feel it is important to reduce their and their family’s own carbon footprint, but only 71% feel that it is impactful to do so and only 57% of people felt that they knew how to calculate and reduce their carbon footprint.

Most people reported to taking some carbon reducing action, and they were primarily motivated by: - Reducing carbon (716, 66%) - Protecting the planet for future generations (714, 66%) - Improving health (577, 53%) - To feel better to know they are taking action (530, 49%) - To save money (476, 44%)


Respondents identified that the main barriers to climate action are: - Too expensive (385, 36%) - Global problems can’t be solved with local action (256, 24%) - Unable to prioritize it now (216, 20%)

Percentage of respondents selecting different barriers to to taking further actions to reduce their carbon footprint
Percentage of respondents selecting different barriers to to taking further actions to reduce their carbon footprint

Protecting the planet for future generations, improving biodiversity and improving air quality where the most important co-benefits of carbon reducing activities and events in nature scored the most highly on ideas to engage on climate issues.

Read the Full Report here:

See the Slide Deck Here:

Watch the Presentation Here:



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